
This React component a context for a blinkDB database and model. Allows the useDB & useTable hooks in child components to retrieve their respective objects.

This component passes down tables so they can be accessed in a type-safe way by children. You can use any state management library to do the same.

export const App = () => {
  return (
    <BlinkDbProvider db={createDB()} model={model}>
      {/* Your components here */}
Parameter Description
db Optional. The database used to create the models. Can be retrieved in children using useDB. If not defined, the DB is created with createDB().
model The model from which children can retrieve tables using useTable.


A model is any object with a mapping from strings to tables.

export const db = createDB();

export const model = {
  users: createTable<User>(db, "users")(),
  posts: createTable<Post>(db, "posts")()
} satisfies ValidModel;
// ^^^ `satisfies ValidModel` is optional, for recommended

// Create your Model type - this is used by `useTable` hooks
export type Model = ModelOf<typeof model>;

If you want to use the db instance passed into BlinkDbProvider in your model, you can use a function as your model.

export const model = (db: Database) => ({
  users: createTable<User>(db, "users")(),
  posts: createTable<Post>(db, "posts")()
}) satisfies ValidModel;

For convenience’s sake, nesting tables also works.

export const model = (db: Database) => ({
  users: createTable<User>(db, "users")(),
  some: {
    nested: {
      table: createTable<Post>(db, "table")()
}) satisfies ValidModel;
blinkDB © 2023